PORNOGRAFFITTI 15th Anniversary "ALL TIME SINGLES" [w/ DVD, Limited Edition] Porno Graffitti
CD | Release: 2013/11/20
| ships on the release date 4286yen (US$ 43.54) |
PORNOGRAFFITTI 15th Anniversary "ALL TIME SINGLES" [Regular Edition] Porno Graffitti
CD | Release: 2013/10/23
| ships on the release date 3714yen (US$ 37.73) |
With their arena tour beginning in December this year, this all-time greatest single hits album, which captures the band’s 15-year career of success, is a must-have! Why don’t you try listening though this album to re-trace Porno Graffitti’s impressive career.
1. [DISC 1] アポロ
2. [DISC 1] ヒトリノ夜
3. [DISC 1] ミュージック・アワー
4. [DISC 1] サウダージ
5. [DISC 1] サボテン
6. [DISC 1] アゲハ蝶
7. [DISC 1] ヴォイス
8. [DISC 1] 幸せについて本気出して考えてみた
9. [DISC 1] Mugen
10. [DISC 1] 渦
11. [DISC 1] 音のない森
12. [DISC 1] メリッサ
14. [DISC 1] ラック
15. [DISC 2] シスター
16. [DISC 2] 黄昏ロマンス
17. [DISC 2] ネオメロドラマティック
18. [DISC 2] ROLL
19. [DISC 2] NaNaNa サマーガール
20. [DISC 2] ジョバイロ
22. [DISC 2] ハネウマライダー
23. [DISC 2] Winding Road
24. [DISC 2] リンク
25. [DISC 2] あなたがここにいたら
26. [DISC 2] 痛い立ち位置
27. [DISC 2] ギフト
28. [DISC 2] Love,too Death,too
29. [DISC 3] 今宵、月が見えずとも
30. [DISC 3] この胸を、愛を射よ
31. [DISC 3] アニマロッサ
32. [DISC 3] 瞳の奥をのぞかせて
33. [DISC 3] 君は100%
34. [DISC 3] EXIT
35. [DISC 3] ワンモアタイム
36. [DISC 3] ゆきのいろ
37. [DISC 3] 2012Spark
38. [DISC 3] カゲボウシ
39. [DISC 3] 瞬く星の下で
40. [DISC 3] 青春花道
41. [DISC 3] 東京デスティニー
42. [DISC 3] 新曲(タイトル未定)
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