Thursday, September 15, 2011

Angela Aki(アンジェラアキ) is expecting first child

Singer-songwriter Angela Aki(アンジェラアキ) (34) announced on her blog that she is going to become a mother. She is currently in her fifth month of pregnancy and is expected to give birth in late February 2012.

Aki has been married to a music director (45) since March 2007.

It is reported that she wants to continue with her activities for now as much as her health will allow. She is hoping to perform at Nippon Budokan(日本武道館) around the end of the year as she has done for the past five years. She has also appeared on NHK’s year-end music show Kouhaku Uta Gassen(紅白歌合戦) for the past five years.

Aki has a new album “WHITE” that is being released on September 28. She found out she was pregnant in mid-July, while she was working on the album.



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