Toyota Motor Corporation is rolling out a new series of commercials based on the popular manga and anime “Doraemon(ドラえもん).” The commercials will be partly live-action, and the first one, which begins airing this Friday, features actor Satoshi Tsumabuki (妻夫木聡) (30) as Nobita(野比のび太) and mixed martial artist Ogawa Naoya(小川直也) (43) as Gian(剛田武).
The story for the commercials is set 20 years after the anime series. The first commercial, titled “Nobita, 30-sai,” starts with an animated scene where Nobita and Gian talk about their dreams for the future. It then switches to a live-action scene showing Nobita and Gian grown up, with narration provided by actor Ishizaka Koji(石坂浩二). GReeeeN’s “Kiseki” is being used as the commercial’s music.
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