Rock band UNISON SQUARE GARDEN's Tomoya Tabuchi(田淵智也) dealt with the production of the rock tune that is used for the opening theme song for the anime series "Blade And Soul(ブレイドアンドソウル)". The uploaded PV "Sayonara Usotsuki(サヨナラ嘘ツキ) ~MEME Edition" emphasizes on the MIMI character flipping back and forth while creating a stunning visual impact along with the dashing feeling of the song.
The DVD included in the Limited Edition to come with the video clip of "Sayonara Usotsuki(サヨナラ嘘ツキ) ~MIMI Edition".
CD+DVD | Release: 2014/05/28
ships on the release date
(US$ 15.18)
CD+DVD | Release: 2014/05/28
ships on the release date
(US$ 9.76)
Mimi Meme MIMI - SAYONARA USOTSUKI [2014.05.28]
1. サヨナラ嘘ツキ
2. 瞬間リアリティ ~Piano Version~
3. サヨナラ嘘ツキ (insturumental)
1. サヨナラ嘘ツキ (Music Video)
2. テレビアニメ「ブレイドアンドソウル」ノンテロップオープニング映像
■みみめめMIMI「サヨナラ嘘ツキ(MEME Edition)」【背伸びしてばかりじゃ意味ないから】
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