Tuesday, October 15, 2013

14 year old singer-songwriter prodigy kaho to debut with Double A-side single "every hero/Strong Alone"

It has been announced that the 14 year-old female singer-songwriter kaho will be making her major debut under Sony Music Records with a double A-side single titled "every hero/Strong Alone" on November 27th. The track "every hero" will be used as the theme song for the new drama "Miss Pilot(ミス・パイロット)" starring Horikita Maki(堀北真希).

kaho is the daughter of former singer Kawai Naoko(河合奈保子) and former Utada Hikaru(宇多田ヒカル)'s make up and hair stylist Kanehara Takayasu(金原宜保). She is currently living in Australia and she has been involved in music her entire life. She started playing the piano at the age of six due to her mom's influence and began experimenting with song writing with recording equipment at home at twelve years old.

kaho's demos were sent to famous producer Miyake Akira(三宅彰) due to her dad's close connection with Utada. Producer Miyake immediately fell in love with the talent of kaho upon hearing her voice and signed her to a major record deal.

Information on kaho
Australia Resident(オーストラリア在住)
Birthplace(出生地):Japan, Tokyo(日本・東京)
Blood Type(血液型):O
Hobby(趣味):Nature Observation(自然観察)
Favorite Word(好きな言葉):‘Peace’
Favorite Food(好きな食べ物):Cheese(チーズ)

kaho - every hero/Strong AloneEvery Hero / Strong Alone
CD | Release: 2013/11/027
ships on the release date
(US$ 12.03)
01. every hero
02. Strong Alone
03. Victory
04. Victory Remix
05. every hero -instrumental-
06. Strong Alone -instrumental-

Source: natalie.mu, barks.jp, OHP


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