With this pop diva's soaring popularity, Shionoya Sayaka(塩ノ谷早耶香) is going to release her fifth single titled "Like a flower" on June 4th, 2014. The PV to the title track has been published onto YouTube.
This new song conveys a positive message that is different from her past work. The production theme this time is "Everyone has a color that's irreplaceable". In this colorful view of the world, she's using her unique "misty" singing voice to push you forward. Her songs has always have a bit of sadness in them until now, this song shows you what kind of style we can expect from her in the future .
In addition, the title track "Like a flower" has been appointed as the theme song for the movie "Choukosoku! Sankin-kotai(超高速!参勤交代)" which will be released on June 21st, 2014.
CD+DVD | Release: 2014/06/4
ships on the release date
(US$ 13.71)
CD | Release: 2014/06/4
ships on the release date
(US$ 10.96)
CD | Release: 2014/06/4
ships on the release date
(US$ 4.57)
1. Like a flower
2. Labyrinth Story
3. Like a flower (Instrumental)
4. Labyrinth Story (Instrumental)
2. Labyrinth Story
3. Like a flower (Instrumental)
4. Labyrinth Story (Instrumental)
Like a flower (Music Video)
Like a flower [Type B]

1. Like a flower
2. キミの側で
3. Like a flower (Instrumental)
4. キミの側で (Instrumental)
※12 Page Booklet
Like a flower [Limited Pressing]

1. Like a flower
Like a flower [Type B]
1. Like a flower
2. キミの側で
3. Like a flower (Instrumental)
4. キミの側で (Instrumental)
※12 Page Booklet
Like a flower [Limited Pressing]
1. Like a flower
■Like a flower/塩ノ谷 早耶香
Source: Shionoya Sayaka Official, Shionoya Sayaka Blog, okmusic.jp
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